Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church

Youth | 4:12 Student Ministries


Encourage students to build a long-lasting personal relationship with Jesus Christ, God, and the Holy Spirt through bible studies, fellowship, and worship.

Equip students by building confidence in who they are as people, but also as children of God. Supporting them every step of their journey.

Extend the community of Christians by going out into the world and sharing the word and love of God through the Holy Spirt.

Youth Mission Trip

Faith Formation Opportunities

Middle School Youth Group

6th-8th grade students are invited to join us from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. each Sunday for Bible Study, fellowship, games and more at Genesis House. Lunch is served and friends are always welcome.

High School Youth Group

9th-12th grade students are invited to join us for a shared time of Bible Study, discussion, fellowship and games every Sunday from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in Genesis House. Lunch will be provided and friends are always welcome.

Events Throughout The Year

We offer a wide variety of special events throughout the year to learn and grow closer to one another and deeper in our faith. These events range from Game Nights and fun Adventures to Fundraisers, Service Projects, and more. These opportunities are central to our youth program. Details for upcoming events can be found on our current calendar.

Youth Band

Youth Music

What we offer

  • We have a youth band that occasionally leads music in worship and we have room for more!
  • When preparing to lead music in worship, we practice for a few weeks leading up to the set worship date. Those rehearsals are on Sundays from 12:45pm to 1:30pm in the sanctuary.
  • If you are interested in singing or playing an instrument in the band, contact our Music Director, Dale Bolyard, to learn more or to sign up:

Mission Trips

Why We Travel

  • An intentional, extended period of time during the summer for God to move in big ways through and within the group.

  • Stretch students beyond their comfort zones so they can grow individually and together.

  • Experience something they may not have experienced before.

  • A variety of serving and learning experiences over the years.

Forms and Information

Annual Medical Form

March 2024 Calendar