Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church

Special Music Events

A Joyful Noise

The Psalmist declares "Make a Joyful Noise!" (Psalm 100) Pine Ridge's Music Events seek to share God's gifts of music with everyone and exist to promote and nourish the performing arts in our community. We seek to provide uplifting and inspiring musical offerings while sharing outstanding ensembles and talent for our congregation and community to enjoy. All are welcome!

NSO: Brass & Friends

Saturday, February 22nd at 7:30pm

The Northland Symphony Orchestra invites you to their free winter concert featuring an engaging program that showcases the brilliance of brass instruments. The program includes Saint-Saëns’ Romance, Larsson’s Concertina for Trombone, Hovhaness’ Prayer of St. Gregory, and Baadsvik’s lively Tango. Each piece highlights the unique character and versatility of brass music in collaboration with the orchestra. Come enjoy an evening of wonderful music in a welcoming setting, no tickets required. Learn more about Northland Symphony here:


The Philharmonia of Greater Kansas City

Sunday, March 9th 4:00pm

The Philharmonia of Greater Kansas City is devoted to performing a wide range of symphonic and pops music. Get up close and personal with instruments of the orchestra. This concert will feature a Instrument petting zoo with instruments for children to pick up, play, and listen to musicians give demonstrations. Enjoy music of Hebrides Overture, Mendelssohn 1812 Overture, Tchaikovsky. Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, Debussy Tango Suite. For children of all ages - including adults! To learn more about The Philharmonia of Greater Kansas City visit their website

Ilace Mears and David Wilson

Saturday, March 15th 7:00pm

From Ozark, Missouri we welcome Ilace Mears and David Wilson to our beautiful sanctuary to showcase the versatility of 80+ strings on dulcimers (both kinds), fiddle, and mandolin. Both are frequently seen and heard at dulcimer and music festivals throughout a wide swath of the country. Since 2014, they’ve been building a genre-spanning repertoire from Bach to Bluegrass to Broadway to originals that will touch your heart or your dancing feet (or both).

MAPAA | Youth Competition Winners

Saturday, March 22nd at 7:00pm

Come witness the extraordinary young talent of our last three competition winners. Violinist Aaron Tseng and Saxophonist Jonathan Nickell will be joined by the 2024 Piano Competition Winner in a concert you will not want to miss. Learn more about MAPAA here:


Stay Tuned for Details on Future Events!

Sunday, April 6th @ 7:00pm - Joel Gordon Jazz Ensemble

Sunday, April 26th @ 2:00pm - KC Music Academy Recital

Saturday, May. 3rd @ 7:00pm - MAPAA Vocal Acrobatics

Sunday, May 4th @ 4:00pm -Philharmonia of Greater KC

Saturday, June 7th @7:00pm - Rezound

Sunday, June 15th @7:00pm - Gabi Griggs Recital