Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church

Special Music Events

A Joyful Noise

The Psalmist declares "Make a Joyful Noise!" (Psalm 100) Pine Ridge's Music Events seek to share God's gifts of music with everyone and exist to promote and nourish the performing arts in our community. We seek to provide uplifting and inspiring musical offerings while sharing outstanding ensembles and talent for our congregation and community to enjoy. All are welcome!

Kansas City Music Teachers Association

Saturday, September 22nd at 3:00pm

Recital with Dr. Xiting Yang, a pianist who fundamentally values expressivity and communication in performance. As an active concert performer, Yang regularly plays a wide variety of music as both soloist and collaborator.

Kansas City Gospel Big Band

Sunday, September 29th at 7:00pm

Good News through music! Enjoy sacred songs in time of worship. Bringing the Gospel to the World through America's only original art form, Jazz!


Saturday, October 19th at 7:00pm

Come enjoy music from exceptional young musicians from the Midwest.

Prairie Classical Trio with Destiny Mermagen

Saturday, October 26th at 7:00pm

Beethoven and The Friendly Ghosts with Pianist Hyunsoon Whang and Cellist Michael Mermagen.


Stay Tuned for Details on Future Events!

Aug. 3rd Genesis Series 5:30pm
Sept. 29th Gospel Big Band 7:00pm
Oct. 19th MAPAA Wunderkinds Concert 7:00pm
Oct 26th Prairie Classical Trio/Destiny Mermagen 7:00am
Nov. 3rd Philharmonia of Greater KC 4:00pm