Why We Serve
As followers of Jesus Christ and a Matthew 25 Church we are called to love and care for our neighbors near and far.
We seek to live out our call in various ways including through our mission ministries described below. We invite you to join us in caring for our neighbors in our community and beyond.
For more information or to volunteer please call Pastor Buzzy LeCluyse at the Church Office, 741-5118 ext. 103
In Our Community
The Alan Cloud Deacon Assistance Fund
Through this fund we provide financial assistance for individuals in need in our community with a focus on utility assistance. We partner with Care Portal and the Hillcrest Blessings Program to further expand our support of the community.
reFRESH: Personal Care Closet for Northland Students
This ministry is a partnership with Park Hill School District and schools in the North Kansas City and Platte County School Districts to provide personal care items to students and their families. These full-sized items are donated by our congregation and area groups sponsoring drives. Referrals are received from school social workers and counselors and filled by volunteers who deliver the “care bags” to the schools.
Hillcrest Platte County
Pine Ridge sponsors an apartment for an individual or family in this program. We maintain and clean the apartment, provide meals for our resident(s), do weekly budget counseling, and provide other support. For more information regarding Hillcrest please click here.
Food Pantry (SPEAC - Southern Platte Emergency Assistance Center)
Our ongoing efforts to collect food, in the grocery cart in the foyer, helps the Hillcrest Food Closet keep their shelves filled.. We also partner with Southern Platte Emergency Assistance Food Pantry in hosting an annual concert to raise funds for them.
Kansas City International Academy (KCIA)
We work with KCIA to support special projects including their holiday celebration, back to school clothing distribution, and annual teacher and staff appreciation events.
Bags of Love
These bags, available in the foyer, are filled by members of all ages with basic items that would benefit a homeless individual. We encourage members to take filled bags to share in the community with those in need.
Garden Angels
Our Community Garden has two plots dedicated for growing produce. The gardens are lovingly cared for by volunteers and given to the local food Pantry (SPEAC) for distribution to families in our community.
Christmas Angel Tree
Pine Ridge has partnered with various area organizations to provide Christmas gifts for those in need including Kansas City International Academy. Last year we worked with Park Hill School District and Hillcrest Platte County providing Christmas gifts and grocery gift cards for local families and young adults.
The Tamale Kitchen
By offering the opportunity to order tamales to our members we support this social enterprise which reinvests its revenues into the women running and working this business, their families, and the local community.
Seasonal and Special Collections
Each year we hold various drives as needs arise which have included: back to school supplies for Kansas City International Academy, coats and blankets for The Salvation Army's Project Warmth, new underwear and socks for the Park Hill Clothing Closet, and canned foods for our Thanksgiving Food Bags for Prairie Point Elementary Families.
Beyond Our Community
Mission Trips and Work Days
Pine Ridge volunteers travel locally and further away to help communities with repairs and rebuilding especially after natural disasters. We most recently worked in the Omaha area on flood relief projects.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA)
We collect funds and materials supporting the work of PDA to assist throughout the world when disaster strikes. We also partner with them for hands on work through our youth and adult mission trips.
One Great Hour of Sharing
Pine Ridge supports the One Great Hour of Sharing through the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. with our annual “fish bank” collection held during Lent.
Living Waters for the World - installation of clean water systems in Guatemala
Pine Ridge began partnering with Living Waters for the World (LWW) in 2009 to install sustainable water purification systems in Guatemala. We have installed seven successful systems with our last installation being in 2017. We hope to continue this partnership in the future.