Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church

Join Us Sunday Mornings

Visit Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church

Sunday Mornings

We welcome people of all backgrounds, faiths, ages, and worship traditions to join us.

10AM | Worship in Sanctuary

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect at Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church?
Visitors and members of all ages in a dynamic worshipping community waiting with open arms to meet you where you are in a judgement-free space. If you have any questions, find our ushers behind the Welcome Center, they’ll help guide you.
What doors should I come in?
On Sunday mornings, all of our doors are open. We suggest entering the North Doors facing the parking lot for easiest access.
Where should I park?
Pine Ridge's main parking lot is located on the north side of our building.
What if I'm not a member?
Please see the usher behind the Welcome Desk to fill out a First Time Visitor Card. We’re happy you’re here!
What should I do during communion?
We practice Communion on the first Sunday of each month, where all who believe are welcome to God’s table.
What should I wear?
We don't have a dress code here, so just wear what you feel most comfortable coming to worship in! You'll see people dressed in everything from jeans and shorts to slacks and skirts.
Do you have coffee?
Our Holy Grounds Cafe is open on Sunday mornings. Come enjoy coffee, soda, tea, hot chocolate, and donuts.
Is Pine Ridge part of a denomination?
Yes! We are part of the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America, also known as the PC(USA). You can learn more about the denomination here!
Do you have a nursery for children?
Yes! Our nursery is available on Sunday mornings during the 10:00 am worship service for children birth through 3 years old. You are welcome to have your children in the worship service with you or if you're more comfortable we have a cry room in the back of the sanctuary where the service can be heard with chairs and games for kids.

I’m Interested in Joining and Becoming a Member!

When you are ready to call Pine Ridge your church home, or you are simply interested in finding out more about Pine Ridge, we invite you to attend one of New Member Classes which are held several times each year

We spend time getting to know one another in the group and talk about the church. Topics of discussion include: our own spiritual journey and where God is leading us now; who Presbyterians are and what we believe; and Pine Ridge and how you can become involved.

There are no tests or pressure put on you to join. If after completing the class anyone chooses to wait until a later time to join, we will honor the Spirit's leading in that decision.

For more information please contact Chris Miller, Head of staff at

Membership at Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church