Pineridge Blog

Lent, the season in the church year of 40 days (plus Sundays), begins Ash Wednesday (March 2nd) and continues to Easter (April 17th). It mirrors the time of Jesus fasting, praying and figuring out what it meant to be Jesus in the 40 days he spent in the wilderness before he began his ministry.
Lent is a time of reflection, repentance and prayer. Not simply because we all need more reflection, repentance and prayer in our lives, but in order to prepare to more fully worship on Easter. Sometimes people give something up like caffeine or meat to remember how ever much we may think we need these things, we need God more. Sometimes people take something on, like more time for Bible reading or service of some kind.
Through these blogs I want to invite you to consider some non-traditional practices in the coming weeks of Lent as we prepare for Easter. Beginning Sunday, March 6th and through the Sundays of Lent I invite us all to set aside the time of preparation for worship as a ten-minute time for Music and Meditation. Since we went to one service and began livestreaming worship during the pandemic, I have gotten accustomed to getting into place in the sanctuary early. At first it was so we would all be in place before the Zoom began. But I have really come to enjoy the time of prelude both by Ben Corwin, our former organist, and now Tatiana Tessman, our very gifted pianist/organist. I invite you to join me in the sanctuary or on zoom simply to sit and let the music speak to you as it will as we prepare for worship that Sunday and for Easter.
I realize that the time before worship is an important gathering time. For some it is a time to sit silently in the sanctuary and prepare. For others it is important time of reconnecting with friends, welcoming visitors and catching up on the week that has passed. Both are very worthy ways of entering into worship. However, since we have such a large, beautiful space I hope that we can create a space of silence and meditation in the sanctuary, and I would ask those who want to continue to visit please remain in the foyer.
May you know God's grace, mercy and strength as you continue to figure out what it is to be you in the coming Lenten days.