Pineridge Blog

There are only 15 days left to get the church a Valentine!
What does the church really need for Valentine’s Day?
I explained the need and the situation in much more detail last week in my blog in case you missed it here’s the link
So this is the challenge: To raise $64,942.43 by Valentine’s Day, so we can get the upgrade done by Easter (April 17th)
We are doing great! As you can see even though it is winter the VVU thermometer is rising as we get closer to our goal. Thank you.
One way to look at it is that we have already received enough to place the order, lock in the price and even replace the obsolete projectors. Now we need to make the final effort to upgrade the rest of the equipment and the cabling. This part of the upgrade should not only make for a better in-person experience, but also will enhance the experience of those who join us through zoom.
If you would like to send the church a Valentine you can do so in all the usual ways making sure to designate your check, cash or online gift as “VALENTINE VIDEO UPGRADE.” Every gift, no matter what amount, is appreciated and all will help.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!