Pineridge Blog

There are only 23 days left to get the church a Valentine!
What does the church really need for Valentine’s Day? 
I explained the need and the situation in much more detail last week in my blog in case you missed it here’s the link
So this is the challenge: To raise $64,942.43 by Valentine’s Day, so we can get the upgrade done by Easter (April 17th, 2022).
This may sound like an impossible task, but as I said last week, because of some very generous gifts we are well on our way to making our goal. As you can see, the campaign was just announced last week and we already have over half the total, which is enough to order the equipment and make the initial down payment. It is important to order it early, because supply chain issues are slowing the process down. The down payment also locks in the price to guard against future inflation.
If you would like to send the church a Valentine you can do so in all the usual ways making sure to designate your check, cash or online gift as “VALENTINE VIDEO UPGRADE.” Every gift, no matter what amount, is appreciated and all will help.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!