Pineridge Blog

Blog by Cynthia
Luke 18:17 “Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
My daughter was born in January.
It was the spring following her first birthday that we were finally able to walk together to the small park in our neighborhood. I had so looked forward to it! But, no longer con-fined to an umbrella stroller with me at the helm, she went no further than two feet from our apartment door before she stopped a bug! Then, oh, wait a leaf! And what is this the bursting bud of one of the first dandelions of spring? Her eyes said, “That looks delicious, Mommy!” And we hadn’t even made it to the street yet where I knew the small trickle of water from the melting snow would provide even more reasons for her to delight and to dally.
I don’t recall if we ever made it to the park. I do recall my wee bit of impatience this was supposed to be our first ambulatory trip! I also recall her wonder as she stopped to examine what seemed to me like every blade of grass, which, of course, I didn’t think was that wondrous.
I’ve been honored to curate this blog space while Jim has been on sabbatical. I know I speak on behalf of the Pine Ridge family when I say thank you for the thoughtful, moving, and faith-filled stories of our blog writers: Lynn Horsley, Sarah Stubler, Michelle Pekarsky, Debra Folkedahl, Mary Jo Misner, Mary and Larry Benson, Beckie Kish, Angela and Brian Van Batavia, Suzy and Don Proctor, Mike Ahrendt, and Dora Best.
But I return to the story of my daughter. What if, instead of us rush-ing to do what we want to do each week, we stopped every few feet and looked for evidence of God in our lives, much like a child marvels at each blade of grass with new eyes every time she sees it?
Alright. That’s not practical. An idea to ponder, though: would it change your life if you were called upon to think of one just one story a week about the way in which God has worked in or moved in or revealed Himself to you in your life that week? And then to share your story? Would it change your walk to the park?