Pineridge Blog

Blog by Larry Benson
I believe there are both big and little ways God has worked in my life.
I believe God works constantly in our lives but some events big or small remind us just how close God is to our lives. One big realization came when I went to register for my first year of med school and the registrar informed me that I didn’t have the required payment for the first quarter, let alone the year. I did not know what to do. God worked overtime and found a way for me to pay for all four years. Years later God helped me to survive a bad car wreck in the Mohave desert on my way back to Kansas City to start the kidney program for NKC hospital. Later in my life God helped me to survive cancer surgery and continue my medical career. As I have aged little things remind me of God’s work in my life; like when our children and grandchildren come sit with us at Christmas eve ser-vice, or when Mary and I sit on the veranda of our home and watch the colors of evening change and I know this is what God has done for us.