Pineridge Blog

"Do You Believe In Miracles?" Blog by Mike Ahrendt
Many of us who have been around a few years or who have seen the movie Miracle are familiar with the great sportscaster Al Michaels’ great call as the 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team was seconds away from beating the Soviet Union: “Do you believe in miracles?” a timeless call in the world of sports. A win felt worldwide with the theme us vs. them, good vs. evil, and of course David vs. Goliath. Before I go further, if you have not seen the movie, regardless of the sports theme if that’s not your preferred gen-re, it’s a must...if not for the greatest underdog story of all time, for inspiration.
I think we could all use a little inspiration these days. The past year and a half has beat me down. Work challenges, Covid, social unrest, Afghanistan, masks, did I mention Covid (is it round two now, or just ongoing)? We are all facing challenges never before con-fronted in our history as human beings. I may be feeling beat down, but I do know how wonderful life can be, and have had much opportunity to live it. My fear through these strange times is children begin to understand all of what is going on as the ‘norm.’ Can’t have it. . . All deserve the joy to be found in life and be presented those opportunities.
One thing I do know however, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is with us through it all. I believe He might be a little disappointed in humanity for how we handle the love thy neighbor as thyself idea. I don’t think we have ever been great there, but recent times seem worse than ever. But, that’s on us. Jesus is here, He simply needs to be invited into our lives. I am comforted by knowing He is here.
John 14:17-19: The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. In a little while the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you also will live.
“Do you believe in miracles?” I believe He is inside every one of us.