Pineridge Blog

Calling Anyone with a Story to Share
I will miss Jim’s blogs in this space each week as he rejuvenates during his well-deserved sabbatical. I love Buzzy’s blogs, too, but she needs our help while Jim is gone. Will you join me in volunteering to share your story? In the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:11, one of my favorite Bible verses, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up . . . “
I am a U.S. bankruptcy judge in Kansas City, MO. George is a re-tired Army officer. We transferred our membership from our church in Lawrence, Kansas when we moved here after my appointment.
I am sometimes amazed, though, that I even have favorite Bible verses. Unlike George, a cradle Presbyterian, I was raised un-churched. Before I met George, as a then practicing bankruptcy lawyer, I represented individuals in financial distress. I would say, “Have faith! Bad things happen for a reason! You just need to have faith that the reason will be revealed!” And, “Bankruptcy provides a fresh start for the honest person -- your life will be redeemed once your debts are forgiven.” It wasn’t until George convinced me to try a Bible study that it all came together. The words I was speaking were words of Christian faith: forgiveness, redemption, resurrection. Why had I never seen it before?
I have thought about that often over the last long and terrible year. But we ushered last Sunday. The buzz and excitement of people reconnecting over doughnuts and coffee was palpable! I don’t know why the pandemic happened. I just know that I have faith that God will reveal the reason. I trust in that faith and rejoice that we have survived, through God’s grace and with His help.
What is your story? Consider submitting a blog of 350 to 400 words. Introduce yourself and give an example of God at work in your life and include a picture. Buzzy promises me that you don’t even need a Bible verse!
You may email me or Buzzy if you are interested. Email your blog by Wednesday, so that we have time to submit it for inclusion in the Friday E-Tidings. I am looking forward to serving in this capacity for the greater good of Jim, Buzzy and our wonderful church family here at Pine Ridge. And, I can’t wait to read your stories!
Cynthia Norton