Pineridge Blog

This Sunday I am going to see a movie in the movie theater for the first time in over fifteen months. I am excited to not only be in the theater but to be going to see not just any movie but a musical. If you know me well you know that I love musicals, all types, seeing them on the stage and on the screen. As you might have already guessed I am going to see In the Heights, the 2008 Tony Award Winning Musical that has been made into a movie and released in theaters on Friday.
I look forward to the singing and dancing, the energy and creativi-ty, Anthony Ramos and Lin Manuel-Miranda, but more than that I am excited about the story. In the Heights tells the story of a com-munity through the individual stories of its residents. It is a neigh-borhood that has a rich history of immigrant residents beginning with those coming from Ireland and now being the home to many Dominican Americans. Each person’s story is unique and connect-ed, in expected ways and surprising ways, and together they tell the story of the Washington Heights neighborhood in the upper west side of New York City.
Stories are the fabric of our lives and the foundation of our faith; they remind us who and whose we are. The bible is filled with sto-ries of many different individuals, each with their own experienc-es, and like us, all a part of God’s story. Each week as we gather for worship we hear one these stories and see where and how we fit into the story of God at work in our lives and our world. This summer we will highlight stories from the bible that are less famil-iar as we introduce the series “God’s Stories, Our Stories.”
We also will share “Our Stories” each week in this blog as we in-vite members to share about themselves and their experiences of God at work in their lives. If you are interested in writing a blog please let me know. As we share the stories of our lives and of our faith, which I hope we do whenever and wherever we gather to-gether this summer and not just in the blog, my hope and prayer is that we will deepen our relationships with one another and grow in faith together as God’s community. Happy story sharing!
Grace and Peace, Buzzy