Pineridge Blog

With COVID many people are staying home doing projects and watching movies, but many are also fermenting things. Sourdough bread starters are really popular now, which are maybe the most common form of fermentation.
In hearing an expert talk about fermentation the other day he said that the heart of fermentation is not a matter of adding something, it is really a matter of setting up the proper conditions. For example, the main job of the vintner is to create the proper environment for the grapes to become wine. Which is simple but not easy. There is real skill and experience needed, because every fermentation is different. It is an organic process rather than a mechanical one.
One of the central symbols of what it is to be Christian is the result of fermentation—the wine of communion.
One of Jesus central teachings is that as his followers we are called to be “yeast.” Which maybe is not adding something, but creating the proper conditions for what is already there to grow and thrive. So, are we making wine or vinegar? As I understand it the processes for making either are similar, but the conditions are different. In this case it is the amount of oxygen allowed to get into the fermentation process, which allows for different outcomes. The more oxygen there is the more acid and thus, vinegar.
Next time you are having a conversation about politics, religion, the climate emergency, the pandemic, or just the fear and anxiety we all feel at least sometimes wonder if what you are experiencing is a part of the fermentation process? Wonder if you are making wine or vinegar at that moment?
This is a challenging time on many levels. Things are changing. Sometimes it feels like things are falling a part, but what if this is the time of fermentation? What does the world really need from us at this moment from us who are called to be yeast? Remember they offered Jesus vinegar on the Cross, but he offered wine of forgiveness and life.