Pineridge Blog

Let me start by saying, “I could be totally blind, but I am not, praise God!”
A funny thing happened to me on the way to church last week. I stopped by the ophthalmologist Tuesday morning, because something was just not right in my left eye. She diagnosed a detached retina and instructed me to go straight to the surgeon. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Later that same morning I was sitting in a surgeon’s office in Shawnee Mission waiting for final instructions before the operation. Everything came to a screeching halt when they ran out of the two-hour COVID tests. I had to take a test the results of which took two days and thus had to return Thursday for surgery.
Some of you, who have been scoring my medical procedures at home, may remember I had a similar retina detachment in my right eye about five years ago. Although having one is rare, it is usually an indication the other eye will also need similar surgery someday. So in a weird deja vu, the same surgeon who saw me five years ago was the doctor available on Thursday. It was great to see him as I have had great confidence in him, but especially now that he has five years more experience! Everything went well, and he confirmed that the work he did previously on my right eye has healed up nicely.
It amazes me to realize that having had this detachment in both eyes now that in almost any other period in human history I would be totally blind. Something that was unbelievable and impossible a few decades ago has become routine. Dr. Singh really took his time repairing my eye. I think it took about 20 minutes.
I had some pain initially, as can be expected from having someone poke a sharp stick in your eye. I have a gas bubble inside my eye holding it all in place while it heals, so it will be a couple of months before I will see clearly again. But those are all very small prices to pay to preserve my sight.
Thank you all for your words of concern and especially prayers. Thanks to Megan LeCluyse for being willing to fill in for me virtually on Sunday at the last minute.
There is one thing you can still do for me if you would. Drive or better yet, walk to a place where the wildflowers are in bloom. Close your eyes and then open them. Just notice how beautiful the flowers are. And then say a prayer of thanksgiving that they and we are wonderfully and beautifully made. Keep your eyes open for the prayer, by the way….