Pineridge Blog

Some weeks I sit down to write this blog and have to think for a while before something comes to mind. But this week, as someone said, “It is the worst economy since the Great Depression, the worst Pandemic since 1918 and the biggest protests since the 1960’s.” On top of all of that it is Buzzy’s anniversary. Where to begin?
I’ll start with Buzzy. Simply put, there is no one with whom I would rather serve during this challenging, anxious and creative time than The Rev. Buzzy LeCluyse. Her great energy, keen intellect, deep passion and heartfelt compassion make her without a doubt one of the best pastors I have ever known. God has gifted us at Pine Ridge with two great Associate Pastors during my tenure. Craig Holstedt was just who we needed then, and Buzzy is who we need now. I look forward to more years of shared ministry, but if this time reveals anything it is that life is very fragile. I greatly enjoy the gift of five years of true collegiality and friendship, and I enjoy our shared ministry today. Happy 5th Anniversary, Buzzy.
Now the Pandemic and the Economy. What is it you need to do right now to take care of yourself? Seriously, it may be as simple as washing your hands (again!), or checking your 401k (again!), but listen deeply to your heart. How can you have compassion for yourself in this moment? Step away from the computer and take a walk, preferably in nature; call a friend; simply close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose 3 times. It is only by having compassion for ourselves that we will have compassion for others during this time.
The murder of George Floyd. There will be time to talk, but now is the time to listen. The last thing I want to do is be a middle aged White guy who “Whitemansplains” this to anyone. I will say more on Sunday, but for now listen deeply. First, listen to your own heart. How do you feel? Sad? Angry? Sad for what? Angry at whom? Perhaps you feel nothing. That’s OK. Be honest with yourself. Listen to the voices calling for justice. Listen to the voices calling for order. Listen to your own voice and others’ talking about this. And if you can, listen to someone of color, really listen to understand before you say anything.