Pineridge Blog

The ones who have seem to have really come out well in the COVID-19 shelter in place mandate are dogs. As we begin a second week of staying home, I have never seen so many dogs being walked up and down my street. Every day is like a dog show.
Others who have benefited from the crisis are online meeting providers (like Zoom), Amazon, and toilet paper manufacturers.
Which makes me realize that there are unexpected blessings from just about any situation. Staying home day after day, having time to rest, to connect in other ways and to build relationships are good things.
Doing something together for the good of others is a really, really huge thing. I never imagined that our economy would come to a screeching halt out of a real desire to save the lives of others. Sure, there is self-interest, not to mention fear. None of us knows how we might be affected by contracting the highly contagious virus. Maybe it will be nothing, a simple infection easily fought off. But perhaps we are in the small percentage for whom it is very dangerous. No one can be sure. Yes, many will suffer greatly from lost jobs and lost income to be sure. But I am amazed that the drive to make money, the very basis of our economy, has taken second place to choosing life. Whatever the reason, that is a beautiful thing. Good job, America!
It is all so fragile. If you think about it the only thing that keeps you safe when you go driving on the highway is a strip of paint. Thankfully both you and the others whizzing by just inches away in the other direction all agree that you will stick to your side of the painted yellow line so you all make it home safely.
I heard someone giving advice on TV the other day that, “At this point we should act as if everyone we meet has the virus.” Probably a good safety tip. Keep your distance. Wash your hands. But said another way, “At this point we can assume that everyone we meet has our mutual best interest at heart.”
Of course, the best thing is not to go out at all, just stay home, connect with others online, and watch the parade of dogs.