Pineridge Blog

With each passing day there are new signs from falling stocks to empty toilet paper aisles that fear of the unknown effects of COVID-19 is grow-ing. What is a person of faith to do?
First, pray and remember that noth-ing is stronger than God’s love for us. There is nothing we can see or that is invisible that can stop God from lov-ing us. Pray for health, patience and courage. Pray for the vulnerable, the sick, for those afraid and for those in the medical field who will be on the front lines of treating the most ill.
Second, be wise. Be concerned about your own health and take neces-sary precautions. Wash your hands a lot. If you are in a higher risk group, please stay home when you need to.
Third, be assured that the Session and the Staff at Pine Ridge are doing everything we can to protect our mutual health. For the foreseeable future we will encourage the Passing of the Peace in ways other than handshakes and hugs. The Worship Committee has filled the hand sani-tizers in the pews. We will follow the recommendations of local health officials, the CDC, as well as, the state and county even to the point of cancellations of worship. We are beginning this Sunday to broadcast our worship services on Facebook Live for those who can’t be in large gath-erings. Our cleaning service, Preschool, Parents Day Out and Christian Education department are performing extra cleanings. The PDO and Preschool are also closely monitoring Park Hill Schools in order to follow their lead for school closure. The Staff and the Session will meet soon and regularly to further discuss the situation and make more decisions for our church as the situation unfolds. Please let us know if you have questions or further suggestions.
Fourth, be a good neighbor. Think of others. If you have people who are particularly susceptible in your family or neighborhood check on them often. Know that everyone you meet is concerned. Smile. Be kind. Be generous. If you need help, reach out. Call your deacon.
Finally, pray and remember that nothing is stronger than
God’s love for us.