Pineridge Blog

They Won!
50 years.
The curse of the goat is broken! Wait, that’s baseball and the Chicago Cubs. Never mind…
They won!
When the Chiefs were down by 10 points in the fourth quarter of the game Sunday I said to the others around me, “OK, we have got them right where we want them.” Time after time they had come from way behind to win. Why not this time? But I admit that I did not say it with much enthusiasm. God forgive me,
I doubted. “Lord, help my unbelief…”
But thankfully the Chiefs did not doubt. Led by their young phe-nom QB, Patrick Mahomes, who admittedly had not played his best game to that point, they struck like lightening and turned the score upside down in a matter of minutes to win one for the ages 31-20.
There is already talk of dynasty and multiple Super Bowl wins. It is fun to think about, but I encourage you to savor this moment. At the rally Andy and Tyreek were already talking about another parade next year. We can hope, but life is fragile. Anything can happen, and usually the future does not turn out as we expect it to. Sometimes better, sometimes not, but always different than we think it will be. Enjoy the moment.
They Won!