Pineridge Blog

Nominations Now Open
When someone says to me, “Presbyterian? What do they believe?” I generally answer, “We believe in Jesus, and we don’t sacrifice goats.” Thinking that most people want to know if we are Christian and not too weird.
But to go deeper, Presbyterians really believe in the Nomi-nating Committee. That is not to say that we are just a bunch of nit picking polity wonks that believe in parliamen-tary procedure more that the Holy Spirit. Actually the Nomi-nating Committee is one of the ways we see most visibly what we believe; the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It is a sign of God’s faithful love to continue to call and empower the leaders in our midst that we need at each moment.
We trust that the Holy Spirit is moving through the congre-gation and the members of the Nominating Committee to discern who God is calling to be Elders and Deacons in the coming years for our church. It has been amazing to me to see how God has worked calling women and men to share the same ordination I do so that we minister together in the name of Christ, the Head of the Church.
I can say without a doubt that we have been served by great servant leaders over the years. People called to be Elders and Deacons are always very honored to be trusted as capable by their peers. They understand that more than just sitting on a board to ‘run’ the church, they are Spiritual leaders called by God. Many times it is not the ones with the most obvious gifts that come to offer just the right in-sight or skills that church needs at that moment.
I would ask you all to think and pray about whom you feel the Nominating Committee should consider as they meet this year. Please help them in their process by filling out a yellow nomination form available on the Ushers’ Table in the foyer or by emailing me names that I am happy to pass along at