Pineridge Blog

All Saints Day
“We stand in the hope of the promise of resurrection.” At the center of our faith is a story about Jesus who was crucified, dead and buried. Dying, he suffered the depth of human pain—physical pain, but also hatred, racism, and the betrayal of those closest to him. When we struggle to know what “sin” looks like, the cross is an ever-present re-minder. Jesus’ story does not end in cemetery but begins again. “On the third day God raised Jesus from the dead.” If we ever struggle to know what the love of God and real for-giveness looks like, we have the ever-present reminder of the empty cross and the empty tomb.
November 1st is All Saints Day. It is a day to remember all of the saints (the New Testament addresses the entire church as saints). In worship this Sunday we will show pictures and re-member the four in the Pine Ridge family who have died in the last year.
We will also gather around the Table and remember that this communion extends far beyond the congregation we can see. The simple meal of bread and cup reminds us that we are a part of the communion of saints of all who have lived and died in faith. Jesus hosts the great banquet to which we all are called at the heavenly table.
All Saints Day is a day to remember those who have died, but it is also a day to celebrate the Living Christ. Through his love and grace we are “surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses” who cheer us on as we run our leg of the race and wait to welcome us home.