Pineridge Blog

Elizabeth Joy “Ellie” Gordon was born 5:14 pm September 12 in Kirksville, MO. She weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. She is the most beautiful baby ever!
Thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate my silver anni-versary at Pine Ridge last Sunday. Thank you for all of the cards, gifts and kind words. Thanks to the members of the Session and the Staff who helped put together a great celebration which hijacked worship. Thanks for all of the great music. Thanks for the videos and pictures. Thanks to all who spoke for good hu-mor and eloquent and meaningful thoughts.
I was certainly surprised and a bit overwhelmed by what hap-pened, of course, but I was deeply moved by the sincerity of it all. Thanks most of all for the love my family and I felt from the congregation at Pine Ridge last Sunday and over all of these 25 years.
What a week it has been! It began with a celebration of what has been and has ended with a promise of what will be in the new chapter in our family and in the church. All of which is a celebration of God’s grace in this life.