Pineridge Blog

I took this picture of a web a spider made in my rose bushes. You can see the spider sitting in the middle of her work.
Spider’s webs fascinate me. They are so delicate and so intri-cate.
In studying this beautiful web I wondered, “How does the spi-der know how to spin a web like this?” Spiders seem to simply be born knowing how to weave a web.
Maybe there is no greater sign of grace than a spider’s web that a loving Creator gives the spider everything she needs.
I got to wondering if people are just born with an inner know-ing of how to weave a life? As humans we are blessed with the ability to learn from our mistakes and to be conscious of our need for God. Sometimes our mistakes loom large in our minds and God seems far away. However, if you were to think of your life as a web you have been weaving isn’t your life a sign of God’s grace? Sure there are imperfections and mistakes, but haven’t things in your life come together better you ever imag-ined?
Maybe there is no greater sign of grace than the web of your life put together just as it is, the reminder that the loving Crea-tor has given you everything you need.