Pineridge Blog

All Things New
I think this will be the last week before we become grandparents. I say ‘I think’ because when it comes to babies, you can never be sure. But our daughter-in-law, Megan, is scheduled to have their first child, and more importantly, our first grandchild next week.
Labor Day took on a whole new meaning this year as we visited Joel and Megan for a couple of days in Kirksville before her labor begins. There were projects to do and things to talk about as we all prepared for the arrival of Elizabeth Joy Gordon very soon.
It is hard to comprehend what something new will be like until it happens. Any change brings hopes and fears for what could possibly be, but until the future unfolds there is no way to fully prepare for a totally new experience.
I have known lots of grandparents in my time. I have had grandparents of my own. I have even liked most of the grandparents I have met. But I still have a hard time imagining becoming a grandparent myself.
Who will she look like? Will she like ice cream? She has to like ice cream. Will she be a morning person or a night owl? What will she call me? So many questions, but only the future holds the answers.
All I can say for sure is that I already love her very much and can’t wait to discover the answers to these and other questions with her.
And I know that she is a child of God. I really wonder if God has so many children because God enjoys nothing more than discovering who they will all become.
Finally, my hope is the God’s promise, “Behold I make all things new,” trusting God is in newness and in Ellie.