Pineridge Blog

Seen any good movies lately?
This summer I am hoping to include movies in my sermons starting in June. I am still putting it together, and I am asking for your help. What are the best movies you have seen in the last few years?
I am talking about the ones that something about them has caused you to see things differently, have moved you, or just made you think. Maybe there was a movie you saw that you didn’t like at the time, but it caused you to have some linger-ing questions. If there is one really powerful scene that comes to mind, I would love to show it in worship and talk about it. Even if it is just a small insignificant scene that meant something to you, that is good too. Maybe it is a favorite older movie that you have seen a million times.
I won’t begin until June, so we have some time, but I hope that I can put together a schedule, so you can have a chance to watch the movie ahead of time if you want to. I think it would be best if the movies are not currently in theaters. I would like to try to find a scene to show in wor-ship on YouTube if possible.
A few years ago I made a lot of movie clips when I was lead-ing the Faith Clips class, so I am able to fill in, but I am look-ing for more recent examples that have spoken to you in some way if you have them.
Kids movies are good. Talking animals can have a lot of wis-dom. Of course it is church, so I needs to be something for general audiences. I am not sure what I will get, but I look forward to working on this together in the next few weeks.
If you have suggestions, please email me at