Pineridge Blog

Expect resurrection!
What a great Easter celebra-tion last Sunday! Thanks to all who helped make the ser-vices meaningful and wonder-ful. Congratulations to the confirmands. Thanks especial-ly to Dale, Ben, the Chancel choir, the Bell Choir and the Praise Team for the all of the awe inspiring music.
I wanted to share part of this really interesting meditation I received this week from Richard Rohr as we continue to contemplate and live into the miracle of resurrection.
“To believe that Jesus was raised from the dead is not really a leap of faith. Resurrection and renewal are, in fact, the uni-versal and observable patterns of everything. We might just as well use non-religious terms like springtime, regeneration, healing, forgiveness, life cycles, darkness and light. If incarna-tion is real, then resurrection in multitudinous forms is to be fully expected. Or to paraphrase a statement attributed to Albert Einstein, it is not that one thing is a miracle, but that the whole thing is a miracle!
“Our job is to figure out not the how or the when of resur-rection, but just the what! Leave the how and the when to science and to God. True Christianity and true science are both transformational worldviews that place growth and de-velopment at their centers. Both endeavors, each in its own way, cooperate with some Divine Plan; whether God is for-mally acknowledged may not be that important. As C. G. Jung inscribed over his doorway, Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit, “Invoked or not invoked, God is still present.”
“God has worked anonymously since the very beginning—it has always been an inside and secret job.
“The Spirit seems to work best underground. When above ground, humans start fighting about it.
“You can call this grace, the indwelling Holy Spirit, or just evolution toward union in love. God is not in competition with anybody, but only in deep-time cooperation with every-body who loves (Romans 8:28). Whenever we place one caring foot forward, God uses it, sustains it, and blesses it….”
In other word, expect resurrection!