Pineridge Blog

In our staff meeting this week I asked everyone to share where they have seen God in the New Year. The answers were diverse and ranged from seeing God in time with family to seeing God in our members volunteering to help. I think this is a question we should ask ourselves each and every day; it is a great way to end your day.
I saw God this past Monday at the MLK Day of Service at the L.A.M.P. center in the energy and enthusiasm of all the youth and their leaders, in the dedication and patience of the Pine Ridge vol-unteers as they led the various stations teaching everyone how to make “bed of bags,” in the adults and children who came to help out, and in Jim’s passion as he led this event.
I saw God in the meeting with individuals from the Park Hill School District, Tri-County Mental Health and Synergy Services and each person’s desire to meet needs in our community as we worked together to plan for the upcoming “Mental Health 101” series of talks in February.
God was in the Session meeting as we discussed the budget and upcoming year. With great enthusiasm Mike Ahrendt shared the desire to celebrate Pine Ridge through the “I Love My Church” campaign and other Session members volunteered to help.
God has been in the responses I have received when I reached out to local organizations and PHSD to see what is being done for fur-loughed government workers and how we can help. I saw God a few weeks ago in the beauty of the snow and once again on Tues-day night as I watched big sparkly flakes fall and was surrounded by the beauty and the silence of snow. God was there again this morn-ing as I watched the birds flock to our tree for their morning feast.
My hope for you is that you will seek to see God at work all around you in large and small ways and you will know that you, what you say and do, may be someone else’s God sighting.
Grace and Peace,