Pineridge Blog

Thanks for a wonderful Advent and Christmas season at Pine Ridge! The decorations, music, special events were wonderful and the food was delicious. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard and shared your time and energy so generously in a very busy time.
Thanks also for celebrating Jesus’ birthday with Boxers for Jesus. Several years ago the principal of Park Hill High School, Dr. Brad Kinchloe, called me and said the Park Hill Clothes Closet was in desperate need of boxers. Any student in the district is able to go to the Clothes Closet to get new and gen-tly used clothes which are all donated. More kids than most of us would imagine depend on the generosity of others. He asked if we could help. I asked the church family to give some boxers and socks as birthday gifts for Jesus. Boxers for Jesus was born and ever since we have collected hundreds of pairs of under-wear and socks for kids in need in our neighborhood each year.
This year I delivered 172 pairs of underwear (for all ages and sizes and both sexes), 73 pairs of socks and 11 t-shirts thanks to you!
Last year we held a Martin Luther King Day of Service at the Linwood Avenue Ministry Place over 200 people attended. It was such a great success that we are doing it again this year on January 21st. The youth of the presbytery who are going snow tubing at Snow Creek will join us again this year. Adults are invited to come to the LAMP Building (the old Linwood Avenue Presbyterian Church just off 71 Highway at Linwood Blvd.) to join with the youth in making Beds of Bags for our Mission Part-ner ReStart. There is a link to the sign up page in this eTidings. School age kids are also encouraged to come with their families to help, and this year childcare will be available on site for little ones.