Pineridge Blog

Someone shared with me some thoughts by Brian Zahnd, pastor at the Word of Life Church in St. Joseph, on who Jesus became after he outgrew the manger:
“In the 6th century BC the Hebrew prophet Zephaniah prophesied in the name of Yahweh, saying...
I will bring together those who were chased away. I will give glory and fame to the outcast, wherever they have been mocked and shamed. On that day I will gather you together and bring you home.” –Zephaniah 3:19, 20
Now reflect upon the public ministry of Jesus. It was a ministry characterize by gathering outcasts, restoring the shamed to dignity, and welcoming everyone to his table. Jesus' ministry of forgiveness and healing had the feel of a festival, a family reunion, a homecoming celebration.
Think about what Jesus did...
Turning water to wine at Cana.
Welcoming tax collectors and sinners to the table.
Dining with Pharisees too.
Touching lepers.
Being touched by the excluded and outcast.
Feeding, forgiving and healing all who came to his party.
And composing stories about the kingdom of God.
Stories like... The Parable Prodigal Son.
This provides a model for our churches.
Christmas is not just a celebration of who Jesus was, but it is the celebration of who the church is. The same (Holy) spirit that was in Jesus is now in us, the Body of Christ inspiring us to continue to do the work that he began.