Pineridge Blog

My biggest job in the vast annual Christmas decorating process of the Gordon home is putting up the tree. This is the 18th year I have struggled to haul this particular tree out of the basement, unboxed it, get the branches sorted, “fluffed,” inserted in the appropriate tier of slots, and lighted. Complaining about how much work is involved really sounds like a First World problem, but I must admit I dread the painful process each year of “putting it up.” But because I love having the tree around in all its decorated glory, I put up with it.
We got this particular tree on January 3, 2000. I know that, because the receipt is still in the box. One of the real joys of Christmas for me is to calculate how much the tree has cost us each year. The receipt reminds me we paid $93.17. That means that this year it has cost us just $5.18 each year we have used it! Next year it will be under $5.00!! I can hardly wait!!!
We have celebrated 17 family Christmases with this tree. Our kids were 12 and nine when we first celebrated Christmas around this tree. I remember their surprise and laughter as they open presents on Christmas morning under this tree. (And a few eye rolls during their teen years.) Our fathers spent five Christmas times with us before they both died in 2006 with this tree there quietly in the background. Our kids’ spouses have joined our celebrations around this tree in the last few years. One dog who used to sleep under this tree is now gone and another has come in her place who enjoys shredding the Christmas wrapping paper each year under this tree.
Christmas trees are symbols of God’s eternal life and love. The evergreen speaks of the promise of eternal life for those who no longer share Christmas with us. The lights reflect the light of the world that has come which “the darkness can never overcome.” This tree is a connection to the love made flesh in Jesus and in our home. And next year it will only be $4.90!!!!