Pineridge Blog

In The Sacred Art of Loving-kindness, by Rabbi Rami Shapiro shares his blessing for the end of Sabbath.
May it be a blessing for your week:
Blessed is the Source of Bliss who offers me a path to bliss. May this be a week for set-ting aside expectations and surrendering to the simple truth of what is, that I may find my way to what may be.
Blessed is the Source of Wisdom who offers me path to wisdom. May this be a week for heeding the intuitive voice that whispers within. May I be open to what comes my way, trusting in Life and the One who manifests it.
Blessed is the Source of Understanding who offers me a path to understanding. May this be a week for cooling my desires and see-ing things more objectively. May I seek first to understand and only then to be understood.
Blessed is the Source of Grace who offers me a path to grace. May this be a week for reaching out to help and reaching out to be helped, for offering love and opening to it when it is offered.
Blessed is the Source of Receptivity who offers me a path to re-ceptivity. May this be a week for patience. May I resist the desire to change what is that I might first come to know what is.
Blessed is the Source of Victory who offers me a path to victory. May this be a week for overcoming obstacles, remembering that some walls need not to be toppled, only walked around.
Blessed is the Source of Transformation who offers me a path to transformation. May this be a week for doing things differently. May I seek out new ways of encouraging mutual fulfillment, joy, purpose, and growth.
Blessed is the Source of Grounding who offers me a path to grounding. May this be a week for slowing down and settling in.
May I attend to what needs doing and do with fullness of body, mind, heart and soul.
Have a great week!