Pineridge Blog

The last few years I have been on a spiritual journey, which began with the realization a few years ago that we are not called first to love God, but we are called first to simply be loved by God. Because we know God’s love for us, we respond by loving God and others. Jesus says that is the “Greatest Law” (Matt 22). It is like the law of physics that holds the universe together, “God is love” (1 John 4).
It is not about “believing” in this love or even “knowing” this love to be true, although those are good things. But it is trusting this love enough so that we risk loving others. This love is not a noun but a verb. It is a strange concept, I know, but God loves us with the same love with which we love God and others. This makes absolutely no sense to us as an idea, but when we love generously we experience this love, and it makes sense of us. In giving ourselves away in acts of generosity God loves us through our own love!
Go ahead. Trust this love is there in you and act on it. Maybe in some small way, like paying for someone’s meal in the car behind you at the drive through or in some larger way like sending a substantial gift to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for the continuing rebuilding after Hurricane Maria How does the other feel? How do you feel when you risk loving?
As I asked on Sunday, I hope that you will make a little video of the act itself or of your simply telling about it in 20 seconds or less, and send it to me. Work alone, as a family or with a group. I have four already on my way to the goal of ten videos to show in worship Sunday. Trust the love is within you, not because of who you are but because of who God is. What are you waiting for? Love and tell me about it at