Pineridge Blog

Thank you for being the church and sharing God’s love last weekend as over 80 people participated in our Mission Outreach Saturday and Sunday. I loved seeing parents and their children, older and younger members, experienced and novice all working together on the various projects having fun, getting to know each other better and helping others in the process. Saturday night I was having trouble figuring out how to do the bed of bags and Megan Parrott showed me just what to do. It takes a village! Wonder just what we did? Here at church the work included: making over 500 4th of July cards which have been delivered to Harvesters to go into the July Senior Care packages, finishing up 4 bed of bags which have been given to reStart, a KCMO program serving area homeless, working in our community garden and preparing our 8 new beds, and sprucing up our playground for PDO and Preschool. Off-site we cleaned and sorted at Hillcrest Transitional Housing apartments, cleared trails for Platte County Land Trust; replaced industrial light bulbs at L.A.M.P., and visited some of our members in area senior care facilities and at their homes. A heart felt thank you to all who helped with our various projects and to those who led our efforts. Through everyone’s efforts our lights were shining as we shared God’s love in so many different ways; may we continue to do so wherever we go!