Pineridge Blog

Easter Sunday was beautiful! I loved our worship services with the bells and choir processing, the familiar Easter hymns, the combined choir and praise band anthem, the children singing, sharing communion and hearing the message of Easter. I have to be honest with you though I was disappointed in one thing. I was anticipating the colors and blooms of the tulips and lilies and instead all I saw were lots of green sticks. I am sure I am not the only one who noticed. I got over my disappointment, the service went on and we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. Christ is risen, He is risen indeed! Monday morning I went into the sanctuary and picked up my tulip, still green, watered it and put it on my desk. Throughout the day I looked at it and slowly but surely the buds began to open. What had looked like green sticks a day before by Tuesday were the beautiful tulips you see pictured here. Now I expected my tulip to bloom, it just didn’t bloom when I wanted it to. Expectations are a funny thing and can get in the way of our seeing God at work in the world and in our lives. The beauty of the tulips is hard to miss but I know that resurrection life surrounds us, that God is at work making all things new. My challenge to each of you and to myself this Easter season, this Eastertide which lasts from Easter Sunday until Pentecost, is to look for resurrection life each and every day. Look for new life in familiar places and in unexpected ways and then take time to jot down or to take a picture of it. If you capture a picture send it to me via email, and each week we’ll share our “Resurrection pictures.” We’ll also have “Resurrection Journals” available for you at worship this week. Let’s celebrate the message of Easter not just one day of the year but every day as we look for the new life Christ brings. Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!