Pineridge Blog

“You are a good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21 Common English Bible)
This week a letter went out to parents of kids in our youth program from long-time Youth Director, Jennifer Scheneman. She wrote in part,
“As I sit to write this letter my heart is breaking. I am writing to inform you that I will be resigning as youth director at Pine Ridge effective as of May 31.
“I have loved so much about my 20+ years of service at Pine Ridge. The people I have met, the experiences I have had and of course the countless hours I have gotten to spend playing games, traveling, studying the Bible, being goofy and making memories with the youth have been life changing! The trust you have put in me to walk beside your youth is very humbling.
“Over the past several years I have struggled with the fact that my views and beliefs about the Bible were going a different direction than the direction Pine Ridge was heading. After much prayer and searching I feel it is best for Pine Ridge and me to part ways. This was not a hasty decision nor one based on any single incident or issue at Pine Ridge.”
At their regular January meeting, the Session moved to received Jennifer’s resignation. The HR committee’s is beginning a search with the goal is to have a new Youth Director in place by June 1, 2018.
Without a doubt Jennifer has done excellent work. I have always enjoyed and looked forward to our annual summer mission trips together. She is faithful and fun, wise and genuine. She has been a true reflection of Christ’s love to our youth and to me.
While there is no disagreement about that, it is also important to realize that people of faith can and do respectfully disagree. This does not mean, however, that we have to be disagreeable.
As Jennifer feels called away I trust that God is calling someone else to make Pine Ridge their spiritual home where they can fully share their gifts. I hope that you will join me in both prayers: for Jennifer and her family that they may know healing and peace; and for the one God is calling to be our next Youth Director.