Pineridge Blog

Some one said, “Never waste a good crisis,” so I’m going to try something. Wednesday I fractured a couple of metatarsal bones in my right foot. It is a long story. I would like to say it happened when I fell while rescuing a kitten from one of the pine trees at church. Even though I have been telling the Workman’s Comp Claim people, “Buzzy pushed me,” the truth is much more mundane. I was sitting in a meeting at church with my feet crossed under my chair. Unbeknownst to me my right foot went to sleep. I didn’t realize it until I got up, took a step, couldn’t feel my foot on the floor and fell flat on the carpet. It wasn’t so bad at first but by the evening I could hardly walk. So we spent three hours in the Urgency Room and came out with xrays, the diagnosis of broken bones and a really cute boot.
That’s the story.
I am really curious how many people read this blog online? So we are about to find out. I will know that everyone who comes up to me on Sunday, sees my cute new boot, and says, “I was really sorry to hear about your foot,” must have read about it. Everyone else who says, “What happened to you?” didn’t. If they come to church, I can direct them to the hard copy of the eTidings we hand out at worship to read these details. Which is good too, because it means that the messages we are sending get out one way or another. Shhh, no cheating!It is an experiment to see how effective our communication is.
These are the things you think about when you have a lot of time sitting on the couch waiting for your foot to heal.