Pineridge Blog

A few years ago my son asked me what my New Year’s resolution was going to be. I hadn’t given it much thought so I said, “I’m going to read a poem a day.” He thought that sounded like a good idea, and it was only then that I realized I would actually have to do it!
I don’t even remember how many years ago that has been, but I still renew that same resolution each year. I have to admit at the outset that there have been a lot of days that I haven’t even read one poem. I’m not even sure if there have been more days when I’ve read a poem than when I have not. But I can say for sure that there have been far more days of my reading at least one poem than there would have been if I had not set the original intention. I have read poems by Mary Oliver, Rumi, Hafiz, Billy Collins and the Psalms among many others. Some have not touched me, but I have been amazed by how just a few words by a great poet can open something beautiful inside me I had never noticed before.
What was your resolution this year? How is it going? If you don’t have one, what is one small thing you can do to bless yourself each day this year? Read a poem or a few verses of the Bible each day? Pray before a meal each day? Sit in silent prayer for five minutes each morning or evening? Can you build forgiveness into it? When you forget or neglect it, can you forgive yourself and try again? If you haven’t thought of anything, maybe forgiveness can be your resolution! You might even want to decide to do something that you know you will not succeed at so you can have an excuse to forgive yourself every day.