Pineridge Blog

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Purple Sunday!
OK, maybe you haven’t heard of Purple Sunday but that’s what I am calling this Sunday, which is the first Sunday of Advent. Each of the four Sundays of Advent we wait for Christ to come at Christmas and in all things. Purple is the color of Advent. Each Sunday has a theme. The theme of Purple Sunday is: Hope.
Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping days of the year. Cyber Monday was a day our email inboxes were stuffed full of discounts and holiday deals. When the day was over, the sales receipts far surpassed those of last year.
Not to be out done by the great prices in stores this week-- on Purple Sunday everything is absolutely free! Seriously. Forgiveness is free. You can take enough for yourself and for everyone on your list. Grace is free. Love is free. Joy is free. No back orders. The supplies are guaranteed to never run out and carry a lifetime guarantee. No limit. Impossible, you say? How does God do it? Volume, volume, volume, and as the angel said to Mary, “Nothing will be impossible with God.” With even with the tiniest bit of hope that God’s promises are true all of these things and more can be yours.
God is forever creating something out of nothing from the very first word, “Let there be light.” Another way the Bible talks about this is in the desert bursting forth with life. Wherever there are deserts in the world and in our lives they are canvases waiting to be turned into God’s masterpiece. And another way the Bible declares God creates out of nothing is in a virgin having a child, the Word made flesh. Impossible you say? How does God do it? As the angel said to Mary, “Nothing will be impossible with God.”