Pineridge Blog

Creating Quiet Space
Sundays at 6:30-6:55ish pm
followed by Mystics group 2
In the Sanctuary @ Pine Ridge Church
On October 1st we will begin what we are calling Creating Quiet Space from 6:30-6:55ish pm on Sunday nights. It is for busy people who long for more silent spaces in their too full days. This is also for those who aren’t sure how they feel about silence, so they can be with a group and experience the quiet together. There will be a few words, some readings, some scripture, some guided meditations, maybe some music, and perhaps even some easy yoga on occasion, but always plenty of quiet every time. It will be non-traditional and yet very traditional as it draws from the deep contemplative roots of faith.
After Creating Quiet Space for those who want to stay from 7:00-8:00 pm we will read and discuss together the book, Why Not be a Mystic by Frank Tuoti, whose life experience includes being married for 47 years, time as a Trappist monk and an early career in which included being Sales Manager for the NY Yankees.