Pineridge Blog

I wanted to show you my cool new bowl. Can you tell how it was made?
Last week I went with our Middle High youth on their mission trip. 13 kids and five adults stayed at Ferncliff, a beautiful camp near Little Rock, AR. During the day visited and worked in several mission projects in the area. The camp itself has a warehouse for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (kind of the Presbyterian version of Red Cross). We made hygene kits and school kits that will be sent in the near future to areas where a natural disaster has recently occurred. The kids made and served sack lunches to over a hundred people in Hot Springs. The most heartbreaking thing was that, being summer many of those seeking a meal were kids about their same age. We packaged rice/soy/dried vegetable mixes which can be added to water and become meals for Stop Hunger Now. And of course we had time to visit a National Park in Hot Springs, and swim, play games and have s’mores at the camp.
We also went to the Heifer Project International Headquarters. The impressive headquarters building itself is worth seeing, but they also have an urban garden and lots of animals like those they send to farmers around the world. If you want to learn more about this great organization please go to
At the headquarters they have a fair trade store with arts and crafts from the developing world. I got this bowl to use for offerings at our Saturday night service, The Journey. It comes from Nepal and the earnings go to support the artist with a fair wage, as well as local health care.
It is made from discarded plastic wrappers, which are then wrapped around a cord and tightly woven together. I included a close up of a Tootsie Roll wrapper that is on the top layer of the bowl. It is amazing that something so beautiful is made from trash.