Pineridge Blog

I had lunch with a member of the church last week and she was telling me about some devotions a guy in her office named Eric writes. She sent me one she really likes and I asked permission to share a portion of it here. Let it be a word of hope for anyone who sees a storm coming or anyone who finds themselves in the midst of one and feels like they are being overwhelmed—which probably includes just about all of us at some point.
Eric wrote about the story of Jesus and the disciples crossing the lake at night when suddenly a storm blew in, “The Bible says the disciples were afraid, and Jesus was asleep! When they woke Him in a panic Jesus said to them. “Why are you afraid?” Think about this for a minute. Here they are in a boat at sea, it’s windy and raining. The waves are crashing, the boat is swaying. Water is coming into the boat. These are fisherman. They’ve been in storms before, but they are afraid of this one. Yet Jesus wasn’t afraid. In fact, he got up and rebuked the wind and the waves saying, “Peace be still,” and the winds and waves were calmed.
“Not only is this an amazing picture of the power Jesus has over nature, But it also shows His amazing grace and love for us. Most people notice that Jesus questioned the disciples doubt and fear, but even in spite of their fear, he still calmed storms. This tells me that Jesus doesn’t expect us to be perfect all the time. However, he does expect us to call on Him. He will use those storms as teachable moments. Remember you have nothing to fear when Jesus is in your boat! Call on Jesus and let him bring peace to the storms in your life.”