Pineridge Blog
Wishing You a Very Challenging New Year
by Anonymous | December 29, 2016

Of course the customary wish is for a “happy” New Year, but really what good would it do you or anyone else if you really did have an entirely happy New Year?
Of course I hope that you are happy early and often in 2017, but I also hope that you feel the full range of human emotions every day, which make you appreciate real happiness that much more for a gift of grace that it is.
I hope that you are happy, but I also hope that you are not afraid to comfort a friend who is grieving, listen to someone who is hurting, and do not neglect someone who is in need simply because you are afraid you might lose your happiness.
I hope you are happy, but I hope that you also are not afraid to get so lost in something that you are passionate about that you do not stop to realize if you are happy or not at that moment.
I hope you are happy, but I also hope that you are frustrated, because new beginnings often show up first as frustrations with something that isn’t working and needs to be let go of.
I hope you have a happy New Year, but more so I hope you have a loving and generous New Year. In other words I hope happiness is the outcome, rather than your goal for 2017.