Pineridge Blog
First Week in Advent
by Anonymous | November 30, 2016

I have convincing evidence that it was rigged.
I’m not talking about the U.S. Presidential election, Russian hacking or voter fraud. I’m talking about Advent.
This is the first week of Advent, which is not just the prequel to Christmas. Advent is a real season in the life of faith all by itself. The four weeks before Christmas. And Advent is the most blatant evidence that the election is fixed.
The election I am talking about is God’s election to create and recreate the world in grace. “For God so loved the world God gave his only begotten son…” For all of the evidence that would suggest God should harshly judge the world, “…not to condemn the world, but ….”
You see Advent is about the “but….” Advent is not about God carefully placing all of the good, kind and loving acts on one side of the scales opposite all of the cruel, hateful, abusive acts carefully scrutinizing how they balance out in order to make up the Divine Mind about how to treat the world. No, Advent says that God blatantly put God’s Big Fat, Holy Thumb on the scale on the side of goodness, kindness and love.
If you are looking for evidence that the election is rigged look no further than Jesus, who came to “preach good news to the poor, recovery of sight to the blind, hope to the captives, and to proclaim the year of the Lords favor.” Which means, of course, that the fix is in and you and I and in fact the whole world have been elected by grace, thank God.